Symptoms or disorders related to menstruation

Symptoms or disorders related to menstruation


Every month our body, and especially the uterus, prepares for a possible pregnancy. If this does not happen, the uterus sheds all its internal lining and what is known as menstruation is originated; vaginal bleeding is quite normal in women from 12 years old to 50 years old. 

This menstrual cycle usually brings with it a series of symptoms, which are quite normal as long as they do not interfere with your daily routine.

Join me to find out what these symptoms are.


Common symptoms that often occur during your menstrual period.

  • You feel a slight pain in your lower back.

A fairly common symptom during the menstrual period is a slight pain in the lower back.  This discomfort is caused by prostaglandin, which is a chemical produced in the woman 's body.

During the menstrual period, the tissue lining the uterus releases this substance. This causes the muscles to contract so that the uterus can shed its lining, thus producing bleeding.


  • You feel burning and swelling in your breasts. 

Another symptom which frequently appears before and during the menstrual period is breast tenderness and swelling. Changes in hormone levels are responsible for causing this pain. 

During the menstrual cycle estrogen and progesterone are the female hormones responsible for preparing your reproductive system including your breasts for a possible pregnancy.

Estrogen causes a slight increase in your mammary glands. Progesterone causes swelling in the mammary glands. These changes result in a slight pain or burning in the breasts.


  • You have mood swings. 

During your menstrual period many changes occur in your body, especially in some neurotransmitters and hormones which are responsible for modifying your mood.

Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are produced from our ovaries and are capable of modifying various neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline, endorphins and others.

All these changes bring with them multiple psychological changes that can result in depression, sadness, anxiety or loneliness.



  • Headache and tiredness.

Many headaches are often related to hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual period.

Again, estrogen and progesterone, in addition to producing important changes during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, are also capable of affecting the chemicals in the brain that generate headaches.


It is normal.

As you may have noticed, there are multiple symptoms that you may have when you have your period, but this is absolutely normal. However, it is very important that when you have symptoms that limit your daily activities, go immediately to the doctor. Maybe something else is going on in your body and you need medical attention.

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