
How to recognize the symptoms of Chlamydia?


Chlamydia represents one of the many sexually transmitted infections, although it is quite common and curable, it is highly dangerous as it can cause terrible pelvic pain and infertility

Unfortunately for many women, this infection shows no symptoms until complications arise. Timely treatment is essential. To do this, it is necessary to know basic information about chlamydia in order to detect possible symptoms and receive timely treatment.

Chlamydia and its most frequent symptoms.

Chlamydia is an infection caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis. In women, it can lodge in the throat, cervix, and rectum. In men, this infection can spread through the rectum, throat, or inside the penis. 

Chlamydia can cause terrible damage to the reproductive system if not treated promptly. For the woman, it can have serious consequences such as ectopic pregnancy, which will hinder her chances of becoming pregnant in the future.

How do you get this infection?

You can get chlamydia during sexual intercourse, whether it is anal, oral, or vaginal. In the case of women, you can pass the infection to your baby during childbirth.

How is it detected?

Chlamydia infection is diagnosed by laboratory testing, specifically by a urine sample. In the case of women, sometimes the sample is obtained directly from the vagina.

Symptoms of chlamydia.


If you do not yet have symptoms of chlamydia, it may take a few weeks after infection for signs of the infection to appear. Signs of chlamydia can appear in both women and men. 

In the case of women some of the symptoms that may occur are:

  • Burning and pain when urinating.
  • Abnormal vaginal fluid with a strong odor.
  • Intense pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Fever, lower abdominal pain, and nausea (in case of worsening infection).

In the case of men, the symptoms that may occur are: 

  • Burning and pain when urinating.
  • Penile secretion. 
  • Itching or burning around the opening of the penis. 
  • In some cases, there is pain or swelling in one or both testicles. 
  • If chlamydia has infected the rectum, it can cause pain, secretion, and bleeding in the rectal area

Am I at risk for chlamydia infection?


Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting a chlamydia infection through unprotected sex. Young people are at a higher risk of contracting the infection

Since in some cases the symptoms cannot be detected, the best way to prevent and deal with this infection is to see a medical specialist regularly. Talk to your doctor honestly and ask if you need to be tested for chlamydia or any type of STD. But it is best to get tested at least once a year. 

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