
How is menstrual blood composed?


When talking about menstruation, many automatically associate it with mood swings, emotional hypersensitivity, and physical breakdown. Some even make jokes about someone's mood by asking if they are on their day.

The truth is that despite living in the digital age, in the XXI century, talking about menstruation is still taboo and although it may not seem so, there is much misinformation and much less interest in the composition of menstrual blood, for this reason, we want to answer the question How is menstrual blood composed?

But first,

Let's review what menstruation is all about.

The menstrual cycle, also known as period or menstruation, is a monthly hormonal process that every woman goes through, where the body prepares for pregnancy. This process happens between the ages of 12 and 50, a process that will be repeated for approximately 40 years and is a sign that your body is acting normally.

This cycle occurs due to changes in the body's hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, which cause the eggs to mature indicating that it is ready for fertilization. This makes the tissue lining the uterus, which is composed of tissue and blood, thick and spongy. If pregnancy does not occur, the mature egg is expelled along with this tissue.

What is the composition of menstrual blood?


Menstrual blood varies according to each woman, it has different textures, tones, and even quantities. Little has been said about its composition and few studies have been carried out since it was considered that it did not contain any informative value. But, from these studies, it has been discovered that menstrual blood is composed of:

  • Proteins.
  • Progesterone.
  • Water.
  • Stem cells.
  • Lipids.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Endocrine disruptors.

This blood, which is generally discarded, has an abundance of stem cells in its composition, which have the regenerative capacity of different body tissues at the bone, muscle, and organ levels. 

And it is no secret that stem cells are manipulated in cryogenic laboratories to find cures for cellular diseases such as cancer. For this reason, for some time now, menstrual blood has been collected in its entirety, using the menstrual cup, to be used in these studies.

On the other hand, and given its high content of nitrogen, iron, and phosphorus, there are those who dilute this blood and make a mixture with water that is used for watering plants or in some cases used for hair and face masks.

However, it should also be taken into consideration that in the composition of menstrual blood there are also endocrine disruptors, chemicals with the ability to mimic hormones and thus alter the proper functioning of the body and negatively affect health.

 In other words, menstrual blood also contains chemical contaminants.

These contaminants can be mostly concentrated in chemicals such as methylparaben and benzophenone and even if the body tries hard to assimilate them, they end up accumulating in placental tissue and menstrual blood, which is why menstrual blood is considered contaminated.

We hope to answer in a very simple way the question How is menstrual blood composed? And remember that ecological pads, period panties, pantyliners or period bikinis are currently a healthier and more economical way for your menstruation days. 

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