How do cysts affect your menstrual period?

How do cysts affect your menstrual period?



The first thing to tell you is don't panic! This is a topic that most women talk about very little, and it is very typical. Of course, it is always important that you visit your gynecologist for regular checkups. Normally these cysts are detected in routine checkups.

To begin with, I will explain what an ovarian cyst is. An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms either outside or inside the ovaries. They are often benign and very, very small. These cysts appear at ovulation.

These cysts, called functional cysts, are closely linked to menstruation and usually disappear on their own. They affect many women and in several cases, the menstrual cycle is affected, either by the absence of menstruation or by heavy bleeding. In these cases, the best thing you can do is to be comfortable and count on pads, and if they are eco-friendly, even better.




Ovarian cysts and menstruation

As we said, this type of cyst does not often generate symptoms. But when they appear, one of the main symptoms is the alterations in the menstrual cycle. In this case, alterations in menstruation can be noticed in different ways:

  • Absence of bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Severe abdominal pain before or after bleeding

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is important that you consult your doctor, so he can check you by doing an ultrasound. It is precisely there where you can see if all these alterations are produced by the presence of ovarian cysts.

The significant thing to manage these annoying symptoms, in addition to the treatment recommended by your doctor, is to be comfortable at all times, so we recommend you to opt for ecological and comfortable products.





If they are functional ovarian cysts, no treatment is necessary. They usually disappear on their own within 8 to 12 weeks. However, if these cysts appear repeatedly, it is best to take birth control pills. They can help reduce the formation of new cysts and reduce the size of the existing ones.

There are certain cases (very rare indeed) in which it is necessary to remove cysts, through surgery, these cases are:

  • Complex ovarian cysts that do not go away
  • These cysts are causing symptoms and do not go away
  • Cysts that increase in size
  • Simple ovarian cysts that are larger than 10 centimeters
  • Premenopausal and postmenopausal women
Again, who can determine the type of treatment you need will be strictly your doctor. Do not wait to have any symptoms to visit your doctor, it is recommended that you go at least every 6 months with your gynecologist. Finally, please do not self-medicate, you could complicate everything, remember your health is not a game, take care of yourself.
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