Ecowoman's Blog

Much more than a menstrual products blog. It's a safe space to talk about all kinds of topics related to women today.

Irregular Menstruation. What to do?
Irregular Menstruatio...

  Has it happened to you that you are out with your friends and suddenly you get your period and do not have any sanitary pads because, according to your...

Irregular Menstruation. What to do?

  Has it happened to you that you are out with your friends and suddenly you get your period and...

At what age should menstruation start and stop?
At what age should me...

  The menstrual cycle will be present in a girl’s life from her first period to menopause. Many times, we have questions about the age our period should start, and...

At what age should menstruation start and stop?

  The menstrual cycle will be present in a girl’s life from her first period to menopause. Many times, we...

Symptoms or disorders related to menstruation
Symptoms or disorders...

  Every month our body, and especially the uterus, prepares for a possible pregnancy. If this does not happen, the uterus sheds all its internal lining and what is known...

Symptoms or disorders related to menstruation

  Every month our body, and especially the uterus, prepares for a possible pregnancy. If this does not happen, the...

Common myths and taboos about menstruation
Common myths and tabo...

  From the false belief that you can't work out during your period to the idea that if you don't get your period, your blood will accumulate… Really, you can't...

Common myths and taboos about menstruation

  From the false belief that you can't work out during your period to the idea that if you don't...

Is it possible to get pregnant during your menstrual period?
Is it possible to get...

  You're probably already bored of hearing "You can't get pregnant while you're having your period," even from us.  Although the chances of getting pregnant during your period or the...

Is it possible to get pregnant during your menstrual period?

  You're probably already bored of hearing "You can't get pregnant while you're having your period," even from us.  Although...

Is it good to exercise during my menstrual period?
Is it good to exercis...

Is it good to exercise during my menstrual period? Physical activity has become one of the most recommended options to promote a much healthier lifestyle. For women especially, these types...

Is it good to exercise during my menstrual period?

Is it good to exercise during my menstrual period? Physical activity has become one of the most recommended options to...

Menstrual Cycle: Five Days or an Entire Month?
Menstrual Cycle: Five...

Menstrual Cycle: Five Days or an Entire Month? Many women get to adulthood without understanding their menstrual cycle; this leads most of the time to unexpected pregnancies or hormonal problems...

Menstrual Cycle: Five Days or an Entire Month?

Menstrual Cycle: Five Days or an Entire Month? Many women get to adulthood without understanding their menstrual cycle; this leads...

What is the Best Diet During Period?
What is the Best Diet...

What is the Best Diet During Period? Period tends to be really tough for women; we are more likely to feel stressed, anxious, and exhausted. For this reason, it is...

What is the Best Diet During Period?

What is the Best Diet During Period? Period tends to be really tough for women; we are more likely to...

Skin types and specific care for each.
Skin types and specif...

Skin types and specific care for each It’s no secret that all women want to have the best skin possible, but do you really know how to treat yours specifically?...

Skin types and specific care for each.

Skin types and specific care for each It’s no secret that all women want to have the best skin possible,...

4 Tips to use your eco-friendly pads correctly
4 Tips to use your ec...

4 Tips to use your eco-friendly pads correctly You have probably heard about eco-friendly sanitary pads. Unlike disposable sanitary pads, eco-friendly pads are made of absorbent fabric and fibers that...

4 Tips to use your eco-friendly pads correctly

4 Tips to use your eco-friendly pads correctly You have probably heard about eco-friendly sanitary pads. Unlike disposable sanitary pads,...

Why is Self Care Important During Your Period?
Why is Self Care Impo...

Why is Self Care Important During Your Period? As everybody knows, menstruation is probably one of the toughest things we women have to go through; apart from uncomfortable physical sensations,...

Why is Self Care Important During Your Period?

Why is Self Care Important During Your Period? As everybody knows, menstruation is probably one of the toughest things we...

Do You Know the Sleeping Test?
Do You Know the Sleep...

Do You Know the Sleeping Test? Needless is to say that we women are not exactly at their best when we are in our periods, and although menstruation is an...

Do You Know the Sleeping Test?

Do You Know the Sleeping Test? Needless is to say that we women are not exactly at their best when...

Is It Normal to Feel Pain During My Period?
Is It Normal to Feel ...

Is It Normal to Feel Pain During My Period? Period is part of a woman’s life, but some women might feel discomfort with it once a month. Menstrual pain, menstrual...

Is It Normal to Feel Pain During My Period?

Is It Normal to Feel Pain During My Period? Period is part of a woman’s life, but some women might...

The importance of eco...

The popularity of eco-friendly products has increased in the last few years, and there is a reason for that; the amount of trash and the lack of biodegradable materials have...

The importance of eco-friendly pads

The popularity of eco-friendly products has increased in the last few years, and there is a reason for that; the...


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